Buddy System

The PaRK IS Parents Association embraces all families to make them feel welcome and part of the school community. Starting a new school is always challenging, especially if this is also your first time living in Portugal. Often, as parents, we have questions which cannot be readily answered by the school, but which other parents would be very happy to answer. There is a variety of topics which could be addressed in a "parent-to-parent" conversation.
Therefore, we have created a Buddy System, where parents can help each other. You can sign up to have a buddy or become a buddy, using this link.
Belloy, are the operating rules for this initiative. For more information, please contact us through parkis.parents.association@gmail.com.
Operating Rules
- The parents who offer their services as Buddies do not profess to be professionals of any kind in terms of, for example, child psychologists or educational experts or such like. Accordingly, anything said by and between Buddies remains the opinion of the individual parent(s) concerned, and may not necessarily be the viewpoint of the school or even the PPA. The Buddy system is aimed at facilitating PaRK IS parent integration and bringing about a sense of inter parent community. Any questions that cannot be adequately fielded by the allocated Buddy will be referred to the school through the official PPA channels where it can be formally addressed;
- 2. In light of the above, it is anticipated that the Buddy system will assist parents with the following types of questions: a) school routines and schedules (i.e.: when does ..?); b) how to solve general doubts on school functioning (who, what, where, how?); c) understand overall organization of school activities (e.g. Houses, extracurricular activities, etc.); d) how one goes about accessing the PaRK IS portal and/or other communication channels 5. facilitate logistic issues (e.g. where to get specific material for classes or extracurricular activities);
- Buddies need to remain mindful and respectful of the type of questions posed to an allocated Buddy, and similarly, an allocated Buddy must too remain mindful and respectful of the answer provided as this Buddy system is being implemented in the spirit of bringing about an open and honest communication channel that can provide support and assistance to fellow parents;
- Buddies will endeavour to answer questions in an acceptable time frame, and similarly, questions should also be posed in accordance with 6 below. The successful implementation of the Buddy System requires mutual respect between all persons participating. Accordingly, this also applies in respect of individuals' time. We therefore urge participants to try to optimize question and answer sessions by dealing with as much as possible in any one session;
- As far as possible, a Buddy will be matched with each other´s nationality and/ native language unless a parent specifically requests otherwise. If this is not possible, English will be the default language;
- Once parents have been teamed up as "Buddies", it is up to the parents concerned to determine the best way to communicate with each other, whether it be by email, phone or messaging, and also the best time of day (if applicable). The first introduction will be done by the PPA via email;
- Either Buddy can at any time decide to withdraw from this system. In doing so, the parent withdrawing should inform the PPA in writing on email as soon as possible.