PPA / PaRK Meetings


On November and December we had the first coordination meetings with the school where we presented the new structure and operation model and addressed several topics of interest, identified by parents through contacts with the PPA:

• Pedagogical coordination of the school, namely the standardization of procedures between staff and teachers, and the rotation of teachers since the beginning of the school year;

• Curriculum, namely measures to support and promote an adequate level of English, and the status of the IB diploma certification process, which is now in its 3rd and final phase;

• Teaching quality, namely the need for checking errors and cracks in the materials distributed to students;

• Assessment methods and criteria, namely the standardization of tools used in teaching (iTunes, Google Classroom, etc.) and obtaining feedback on cycle tests and the way they are incorporated and valued by different teachers;

• Discipline at school and application of disciplinary rules.

PaRK recognized the problems, and informed they were already working on some restructuration to mitigate and address these situations. Namely, the hiring of new elements for the PaRK team, to mitigate and address these situations.

We believe the involvement of all of us in the identification and discussion of these topics is an excellent contribution to the improvement of the general level of education and well-being of our children, and that we must maintain and improve this process.

You can consult the minutes of the meetings here.