PPA website

Over the last school year the PPA has worked with our 8th graders on the new PPA website. We have briefed 8A and 8B on what the PPA is and what we would like to see on the website (the attached picture is from that session).
After that we had several individual sessions with the 8 groups and were quite impressed with some of the ideas and designs that were shown. Highlights include:
- very cool logo designs;
- some innovative ideas for the website layout;
- some of the groups had fully functional beta versions running (we loved it when they told us "here is the URL of the website, it is still beta but you can get the general idea of what we are doing").
To be fair, not all groups were equally advanced in the intermediate checkpoints and final result: some of the groups had great logos but needed a bit of work on the structure; others were so embroiled on one particular aspect of the website that eventually fell behind on other equally important items. We, as "clients", hoped to have been able to provide some guidance to steer the project teams back to what we hope to see.
And the final result of this website includes many of the designs and suggestions of our school's students.
Most importantly, the "PPA site project" felt like a very real life work situation which we thought it was GREAT for the students!