Survival guide to PaRK IS


In this article we've tried to highlight some tips to help you navigate the first months at PaRK IS

1. Read the newsletter (and the weekly report from the teacher)

Every friday you will receive a newsletter that passes the most important information to parents (e.g., field trips, sicknesses)...

2. Add the school (and class) calendar to your own

There you will find the closure dates, main school events, public holidays, etc.

3. Check your uniforms

Uniforms might take some time to be delivered, so plan in advance to guarantee you have everything ready when needed

4. Answer school surveys

Throughout the year, you will receive different surveys that help the school to better plan the year (e.g., extracurricular activities, attendance to school breaks, etc) - do answer them!

5. Count on us!

If you have any question, feel free to reach out to any of us - we will be more than happy to help you!